Not a whole lot to say tonight. I worked from 8a-9p so I'm a wee bit tired. Where has this week gone? It's crazy to think tomorrow is Friday, but I'm glad it is. I get to spend some time with my favorite nephews this weekend and see Christy and Cordel who are visiting. I get to return half of the new work clothes that I bought because I've lost 5 lbs. since starting my job (and running around like a chicken with my head cut off!). I can't seem to see where the weight came off at but whatever. Bummer that I still can't fit into my "old" work clothes and my new ones don't fit either so I guess I'll get creative!
My old self is creeping in. Not returning phone calls; finding excuses about not staying in touch as well; feeling pretty drained when I get off work. If you are reading this and are still my friend even though I've been pretty MIA the last couple of weeks...please forgive me. I'll get adjusted to these hours and be back with you soon. I will say I miss my mid-day conversations with friends that can talk during the day. Thank goodness for Facebook even though it certainly can't replace visiting on the phone.
Wow, my blogging material has been very limited. I don't want to blog about work, but jeez the only other thing I did today was get breakfast at McDonald's! It was yummy, I've even sprung for OJ.
Maybe I'll have some adventures this weekend that are blog-able. I did get invited to girl's night tomorrow. Unfortunately, I haven't seen Michael, the dogs or bed for more than 5 minutes all week so not sure if I have the stamina...but does sound like fun!
Not much going on in the fertility front. Hold patterns just aren't that exciting! Usually, I'm either whiny or optimistic and tonight I fall somewhere in between more along the lines of "what infertility?" so that's good.
One cool thing, now that I think of it, happened today. I won't bore you with the awful details, but during our infertility work up, I had to have an HSG dye test. It's basically being injected with dye through my nether-region and then an x-ray taken to make sure my fallopian tubes were open (they were - get excited!). Anyways, I had the worst experience ever with it. Sorry boys, but there were no stirrups on the x-ray table and I just kept falling off. I even kicked the radiologist. I had a mild sedative or I would have stopped the test and just walked out. It was really as awful as it sounds and as a result of the trauma I had some bad side-effects. Anyhoo, I talked to one of my bosses today and we discussed the procedure I had. I'm happy to say the way I was taken care of will never happen at the hospital that I will be working at. The tests will be performed in an OB room so that women will not fall off the table or kick their doctor in the face or for that matter have leg cramps. Sounds stupid, but I'm so happy to know that women will have a place to go that will treat them with dignity. Very cool.
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I had the same thing happen with my HSG. "This x-ray table doesn't really have a place to put your feet, so use these knobs..." Gee, thanks. Glad you are able to up us IF girls!