Saturday, June 26, 2010

It's rare, but it sometimes doesn't suck...

So I told Michael that I need to do everything necessary to relax during the next month. Of course that includes acupuncture which is scary then amazingly relaxing. I also find that the most awesome place on earth is Coldwater Creek the Spa. I love the relaxation room and the steam shower which I find almost as peaceful as the service itself. Sooo, I mention to Michael that in addition to the financial beast that is IVF, that I'm probably going to need to hang out at the spa when the needles make me have anxiety (I promise I'm not being dramatic...I really hear the more you relax, which is not my strong-suit, the better the outcome). Michael could tell that I was feeling guilty even mentioning that I wanted to spend more money. So, in addition to getting all my IVF meds in the mail yesterday, I also got a sizable gift certificate to Coldwater Creek the Spa from the hubs. The card noted "for the health of his wife and unborn child". Very sweet. He told me "now I don't have to feel guilty about taking care of myself". Did I mention I married well? I did. :)

He even offered to let me punture him with an ice-pick everytime I have an injection...what a guy!!!


  1. Good guy!! Proud of him for that one. Way to go, Mike.

  2. i love your dh!

    praying for you and hoping for a peaceful week.
