Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Let it Rain!!!

Well sometimes it takes cold, hard cash to renew one's spirits. The quick story is as follows...

I spent several hundred minutes on the phone today lining out when we're getting our IVF meds. This shizzle is like rocket-science by the way. Meds coming from California, insurance, doctor's office, must be home to sign, bring the meds to your appointment....anyhoo. Through the details, I uncovered a little glitch I hadn't realized before. One thing led to another which led to a phone call about 6pm that our IVF meds are covered by insurance. A little piece of the pie, eh? With my Lovenox injectibles, our IVF meds were close to $3,000 before insurance! Now, try under $500!!!! Wow, WOw, WOW!

I love how God provides. I needed this boost. Even if it is just money (BTW, this little road has truly showed me how disposable mula can be when you are spending it on something this important...good lesson for me). I love God so much as he always reminds me how he has provided and how fortunate we are to be able to afford this procedure. Tonight I know of a young 8 year old battling cancer and a 2 year old also fighting a really hard battle with cancer (this one happens to be a distant cousin...without insurance). I love being able to contribute now, willingly, gladly and with the reminder of God's care and how we are expected to extend that care to others. I can't wait to send some of our cost savings to others!

I'm back! I hope this optimism sticks. It becomes me much better than the evil twin who has taken over the last few weeks!

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