Saturday, September 4, 2010

I think I'm pregnant...where do I throw up?

Well, I think I'm pregnant. You may think from prior posts..."Don't you know you're pregnant?" Well, yes. And no. I remember when my friend, Margo, got pregnant from IVF and she was sooo cautious. Everytime I'd ask about the pregnancy it was almost forbidden to be presumptuous that everything would work out. I can't remember when we were allowed to finally be excited, but I think it was around 9 weeks. The similarity is that I'll be 9 weeks on Tuesday and it's finally setting in that this is for real. You may wonder what it was that allowed me to believe that this isn't just my imagination but a real dream come true? Well I think it is called morning sickness. (Shout out, morning sickness! Ha-ay!)

So thus far I've had the sleepy's. My mom keeps calling me Sleeping Beauty. I'm pooped! I can fall asleep on command (except when Michael is snoring, the dogs are dog-narding and I'm needing to pee), but other than that I do nap like a queen! Then there is some emotional instability and weepiness. I've also had quite a bit of muscle cramps, too. The thing about all these symptoms is that they can be attributed to the massive dose of progesterone that I've been on. So are they pregnancy syptoms or progesterone induced? Then, however, three days ago I got sick in the afternoon. Not throw up sick, but just straight up ick. No food sounds good! I order items at restaurants and then am detested by them by the time they make their way to the table. This has continued the last two nights! Then, last night, Michael and I stayed the night at my Grandpa's house. Right in the middle of the night/early morning I woke up sick. Like thought I was going to puke sick. Score! The morning sickness that I've been waiting on to confirm a legit symptom.

I quickly analyzed the situation; where am I going to puke? Options were limited! The bathroom trashcan did not have a liner. No go. The toilet has seen better days and I'm sure wasn't cleaned just yesterday. Not putting my face by that! The sink could maybe get clogged. Not a solid idea. So where am I going to hurl if it comes to that? Hell, yes...outside. That was my game plan. It never came to the game-time decision, but I was prepared. I was exhilarated to need to think quick to address my new situation. It seems the ick continues through the day as I am nautious as I write this post. I think it is going to be my friend/assurance in between sonograms that everything is going just fine in that little (whoa, that word is past tense) belly of mine. :)

Anyhoo, I feel great! I decided today that I love being pregnant. You may think that is weird coming from someone who has lived and breathed getting pregnant for two years (as I guess it was supposed to be just a given). But I think I've been scared for most of the last five weeks which really doesn't allow one to love something if their what-if'ing all the time. Bye-bye what if. Hello baby!


  1. OH Lord, I can see you running around Fred's house trying to find a place! Whatever you do, just don't throw up on his tomato plants or fig tree. I need more tomatos.
